Wednesday, 5 November 2014



A Project Proposal Submitted to the college of Computing and Information sciences for the Study Leading to a Project in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering of Makerere University.

Mr. Odongo Steven.
Department of Networks

School of Computing and Informatics Technology, Makerere University, +256-775-199511, +256-702-102999

October 2014.

Registration Number
Student Number




This proposal has been submitted for examination with the approval of our project supervisor.
Mr. Odongo Steven
Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………...........................................................................................................
1.0    ­Introduction
With use of modern-day technology, automated greenhouses have become widely popular among professional greenhouse caretakers and hobbyists alike. With the advent of newly affordable technologies such as microcontrollers and environmental sensors, engineers and hobbyists have devised ways to cut plant maintenance to a minimum. While some automated greenhouses require little to no additional caretaking, others are simplistic and control only limited functions such as watering and timed lighting. By allowing as much automation as possible, the Smart Greenhouse will reduce the amount of time spent caretaking for plants, and eliminates worry when a user is away for long durations.
The Smart Greenhouse control unit will allow the user will stray from the tedious job of tending to the nutritional needs of plants. Under one interface, one can monitor important plant growth factors, such as lighting, soil moisture, relative humidity, and temperature, as well as monitor incoming power sources to be used to operate greenhouse equipment. The autonomous system will nurture the plants without the user being present, under a pre-set range of optimal conditions, while having the ability to run more efficiently off of alternative energy sources.
1.1    Background to the Problem
The out-paced population growth to adequate food supply in today’s world has posed a serious threat to the peace and stability of the global community. There are a vast number of people living in today’s world lack access to enough food for healthy lives. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) has identified 82 poor countries that face rapid population growth do not produce enough food domestically, constrained to producing more food, and cannot import enough to make up the deficit. More than 840 million people, with disproportionately women and children, suffer chronic malnourishment. Each year about 18 million people, mostly children, die from starvation, malnutrition, and related causes. With one-third of world population lacking food now, the UN-FAO estimates that world food production would have to double to provide food security for 8 billion people with 6.8 billion living in developing countries. The rate of food production in these countries continues to deteriorate in the past century. For instance, Africa now produces nearly 30% less food per person than it did in 1967. There are many reasons for the deterioration in food productions in developing countries. Rapid population growth has resulted in increasing demand for food supplies. Another serious reason is that most of these countries already cultivated virtually all arable land. In many areas, fertile soils are being exploited faster than they can be regenerated.
Short supply of fresh water is another major cause for reduction in food production in these countries.
Greenhouses provide a unique advantage in growing food with virtually no adverse effect to the environment. It is the only method of food production that makes use of control of the environment. While no one can realistically expect the substitution of natural agriculture in food production by greenhouses, they can nevertheless alleviate the serious shortage of food in developing countries, and also mitigate the contribution of greenhouse gases by the food industry in affluent countries with modern technologies of clean renewable energies and intelligent control in crop growth and operations. The proposed greenhouses can grow food with less dependence on the expensive traditional energy sources and can be made to be affordable to the growers in developing countries. It thus has great potential to become a sustainable food production technology for self-sufficiency of food for people in the developing countries, and those in affluent countries determined to mitigate their use of fossil fuels in food production.

1.2    Problem Statement
The high costs involved in manually managing a greenhouse that is; hiring people to always check, monitor and irrigate crops is inhibiting farmers from adopting the habit of growing crops in greenhouses in Uganda today. As a result few farmers in Uganda today are using greenhouses which in turn has led to inconsistent and inadequate food supply during given periods/seasons of the year. This is mainly specific to vegetables which tend to be scarce which hikes their prices during certain seasons of the year.
1.3            Main Objective
To automate the management of crop growth in a greenhouse
1.4            Specific Objectives
1.4.1                    To study and investigate the current operation and management of green houses by agriculturalists in Uganda today and costs involved.
1.4.2                    To analyze data available on automated greenhouse crop production to see how this system will address issues and its convenience to people who will use it.
1.4.3                    To design and implement a temperature assessment and control system in the green house.
1.4.4                    To design a soil moisture control module, which will predict and appropriately irrigate the crops
1.4.5                    To assess adequate sunlight requirements for crops and control crop exposure.
1.4.6                    To apply our knowledge of systems analysis and design to appropriately test, validate and verify the green house automated system.
1.4.7                    To design a user manual and deployment strategies to ensure that it is working in its intended environment.
1.5           Scope
This research is intended to cover the agricultural sector specifically crop husbandry in green houses. This is to boost crop productivity despite the harsh factors that exist in the natural environment. For example
The system is to be used in the automatic management of conditions such as temperature, humidity, irrigation in a green house. The green houses under study are those found in East Africa and specifically in Uganda, since the climatic conditions in these areas are almost the same.
The user will be provided with information about the state of conditions in the green house. This information will be relayed in form of a user interface which the user will also be able to control and adjust values accordingly which will in turn change the state (conditions) of the green house appropriately.
1.6            Significance
Once implemented the Smart Green House system will significantly reduce on the number of man power or labor required in the daily management of a green house.
It will also enable the farmer to know the status of the green house but also be able to control the state of the green house with out necessarily moving to the green house.
The system will also be able to check on the wastage of resources like unnecessary watering of the plants in the green house. This will be done in such a way that the system will have sensors in the ground that will check the amount of water in the soil and also do the irrigation accordingly.

2.0   Literature Review
This section consists of a critical review of research work from journals, internet sources and other projects already done which is related to the subject area as well as an analysis of existing literature on the subject with the objective of revealing contributions, weaknesses and gaps.
The objective of our research is to examine and explore various concepts that intertwine with the proposed project - the Smart Greenhouse. In this project, we will cover: plant growth, environmental control methods, power distribution and efficiency, and control units. Each of these topics will be reviewed through related research and publications. However, they should give reasonable insight on the feasibility of certain aspects of the design, and provide new overall ideas to the project.
2.1 Greenhouse Cultivation and Advancements
Emperor Tiberius of Rome (42 BCE–37 CE) is thought to be the first person to utilize a structure that can be considered a greenhouse.  He did this to be able to eat his favorite food all year long, many guess that this food was the humble cucumber, this love of food started a new wave of agriculture and it is this specific form of agriculture that this paper looks to examine. [1] 
The first thing to decide when faced with designing a greenhouse is to consider the structure you are going to be using.  There are four different categories of greenhouses each with their own benefits and drawbacks to consider:
2.1.1    Lean-to green house
A lean-to greenhouse is a half greenhouse, split along the peak of the roof, or ridge line (Figure 2A), Lean-tos are useful where space is limited to a width of approximately seven to twelve feet, and they are the least expensive structures. The ridge of the lean-to is attached to a building using one side and an existing doorway, if available. Lean-tos are close to available electricity, water and heat. The disadvantages include some limitations on space, sunlight, ventilation, and temperature control. The height of the supporting wall limits the potential size of the lean-to. The wider the lean-to, the higher the supporting wall must be. Temperature control is more difficult because the wall that the greenhouse is built on may collect the sun's heat while the translucent cover of the greenhouse may lose heat rapidly. The lean-to should face the best direction for adequate sun exposure. Finally, consider the location of windows and doors on the supporting structure and remember that snow, ice, or heavy rain might slide off the roof or the house onto the structure.
2.1.2    Even-span green house
An even-span is a full-size structure that has one gable end attached to another building (Figure 2B). It is usually the largest and most costly option, but it provides more usable space and can be lengthened. The even-span has a better shape than a lean-to for air circulation to maintain uniform temperatures during the winter heating season. An even-span can accommodate two to three benches for growing crops.
2.1.3 Window-mounted green house
A window-mounted greenhouse can be attached on the south or east side of a house. This glass enclosure gives space for conveniently growing a few plants at relatively low cost (Figure 2D). The special window extends outward from the house a foot or so and can contain two or three shelves.
2.1.4 Freestanding Structures
Freestanding greenhouses are separate structures; they can be set apart from other buildings to get more sun and can be made as large or small as desired (Figure 2C). A separate heating system is needed, and electricity and water must be installed.”[2]
2.2 Variants of Green House Systems
The green house technology is not a complete new invention because from the research we carried out; it shows that there are a few aspects that have been previously developed though not with the interest of a green house. A similar system is the Automatic Pest Control and Irrigation System 2014 developed by BSE14-1. According to this group, this system works as an automatic pest controller that also does irrigation.
In conclusion, most of the studies carried out on similar systems indicate that they have successfully performed to their expectations which indicate that the proposed system of automating the management of a green house poses more chances of success.
2.3     Conclusion
Because of the design constraints of our project we are going to be employ the freestanding structure greenhouse model.  This structure is the most suitable option for a small scale greenhouse and the cheapest per square foot option.  
The next item to consider is the building materials themselves, there are many options to consider when it comes to materials but a thorough explanation of each material is beyond the scope of this paper.  Instead the focus will be glass, this is the most traditional material and for this project it happens to be more cost effective.  Glass also offers a more stable structure and is nearly 100% efficient at allowing light through to our plants.  It won’t discolor over time like the plastic options will and it offers an all around nice feel and look.
And finally for this specific project, we will consider the growth of flowers in the smart green house. These flowers have been chosen for this project due to a few different factors such as the conditions in which they grow.

3.0          Methodology
Three parts have been included under this topic; Design architecture is the main block function for the proposed design while the hardware specification will detail out the components involved in this design for the sensor component until the microcontroller selection. Software development based on the proposed design will be detailed out in the software part where the flow of the system operation will be detailed out elaborately.
3.1            Design Architecture.
The system development is to start with the design architecture of the proposed design. Transparent block diagram has been used to outline the proposed design as shown in figure 1.
The architecture comprises of the bread board, arduino UNO R3, and a computer as the main components for this system. The bread board will work as an extension to connect all the other extensions such as the sensors, then the arduino R3 will work as the controller that will run the embedded code and then the laptop will work as the control component for the user. Light dependent resistor (photo resistor) will be used to detect and measure the surrounding light level. All light response or changing is measured in volts
Figure 1.Transparent block diagram of the greenhouse tech system
3.2            Data Collection
Several data collection methods such as use of questionnaires, direct interviews with the people running farms with green houses are to be used to gather the necessary qualitative and quantitative data that will aid us in the development of this system.
We also intend to research about the several systems in form of literature review that have a similar aspect as the one under development. We intend to use this information to come up with the best system to manage a green house.

4.0          References
[1] H.S. Paris and J. Janick “What the Roman emperor Tiberius grew in his greenhouses” Internet: [April 1 2013].
[2] “Planning and Building a Greenhouse” Internet: [April 2 2013].
[3]John Brittnacher*. “Growing Nepenthes” Internet: [April. 1, 2013].
[4] Aaron Ellison, Nicholas Gotelli, J. Stephen Brewer, D. Liane Cochran-Stafira, Jamie Kneitel, Thomas Miller, Anne Worley, and Regino Zamora “The Evolutionary Ecology of Carnivorous Plants” Internet:, [April 2, 2013].
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[11] Rangan, K.; Vigneswaran, T.; , "An Embedded Systems Approach to Monitor Green House," Recent Advances in Space Technology Services and Climate Change (RSTSCC), 2010 , vol., no., pp.61-65, 13-15 Nov. 2010 doi: 10.1109/RSTSCC.2010.5712800
[12] Gomez-Melendez, Domingo,. “Fuzzy Irrigation Greenhouse Control System Based on a Field Programmable Gate Array,” in African Journal of Agricultural Research. vol 6. June 2011, pp. 2544-2557. Doi: 10.5897/AJAR10.1042
[13] Nugroho, Andri. Okayasu, Takashi. Fushihara, Hajime. “Development of Intelligent Control System for Greenhouse”. Kyusha University.
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